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Edmund Barton - Australia's PMs - Australia's Prime Ministers

Home > Australia's PMs > Edmund Barton Edmund Barton Federation was Edmund Barton's 'one great thing'. One of the key architects of Australia's Constitution, Barton became the new nation's first Prime Minister at a grand ceremony in Centennial Park, Sydney, on 1 January 1901. Crowds greet the new Prime Minister Edmund Barton (third from left) and Governor-General Lord Hopetoun (third from right), as they leave the rotunda in Sydney's Centennial Park, where the Commonwealth of Australia was born on 1 January 1901.Keenan, JJ, Inaugural Celebrations of the Commonwealth of Australia, 1904 Admired for his intellect and calm temper, Barton's glowing eyes revealed a keen sense of humour, while his ample girth was evidence of a love of good food, fine wine and stimulating conversation. With a rich and engrossing voice, he commanded authority wherever he spoke.In 1903 Barton resigned to become one of the three judges who founded Australia's High Court. Back to top


National Archives of Australia Prime ministers' records

