Companion of the Order of Australia (2020)
Tony Abbott became Australia's 28th prime minister in 2013, when the Liberal-National Party coalition won office, replacing the Labor government led by Kevin Rudd.
4 November 1957
London, United Kingdom
Margie Abbott
Photo: Jack Tran/Newspix
Tony Abbott was involved in student politics at university and won a Rhodes scholarship to study at Oxford.

Photo: Fairfax
After briefly training to be a Jesuit priest, Abbott worked as a journalist, press secretary to Liberal leader John Hewson, and Executive Director of Australians for a Constitutional Monarchy before being elected to the federal seat of Warringah in NSW at a by-election in 1994.
Serving in the Howard government, Abbott took on several consecutive ministerial roles in employment and workplace relations and was then Minister for Health and Ageing (2003-2007) and Leader of the House (2001-2007). In the years of opposition that followed the Howard government, Abbott moved to shadow ministries relating to families, community services and Indigenous affairs.
When the Liberal Party became seriously divided over the issue of responding to the Rudd government's proposed emissions trading scheme, Abbott emerged successful from a three-way leadership ballot with Malcolm Turnbull and Joe Hockey. He led the Liberal Party to the election in 2010 but was not able to form a government when a hung parliament ensued. In 2013, Abbott led his party to a sweeping election victory.
He held office as prime minister for just under two years, until Malcolm Turnbull successfully challenged to assume leadership of the Liberal Party again.
Operation Sovereign Borders
On 18 September 2013 Operation Sovereign Borders is launched in an election promise to halt unauthorised arrivals and "stop the boats".
Clean Energy Legislation (Carbon Tax Repeal Bill)
A package of legislation is passed on 17 July 2014 to remove the carbon pricing mechanism, and take action against businesses which do not pass on the savings.
National Day of Mourning for MH17 victims
A national memorial service is held on 6 August for the victims of Flight MH17, shot down over Ukraine on 17 July. The passengers included 38 Australians.
G20 Summit in Brisbane
G20 heads of state and government meet in Brisbane on 15-16 November 2014 to discuss issues including global economic recovery and financial reforms.
China-Australia Free Trade Agreement
Australia and China sign a landmark free trade agreement on 17 June to secure better market access, increased two way investment and reduced import costs. The agreement enters into force on 20 December.
White Paper on Northern Australia
The Government releases a White Paper on Developing Northern Australia: Our North, Our Future. The paper outlines a plan to achieve a vision for the north by 2035 with an initial investment of $1.2 billion.
360° VIEW
After achieving victory in the 2013 election, the Liberal-National Party coalition held a strong majority in the House of Representatives. The Senate proved a tougher proposition, with a cross bench of eight senators, and the support of at least six of these required for the government to pass legislation.
The Abbott government managed to get its signature carbon tax repeal package through the parliament, but had much more mixed success with its first budget package in 2014, as key elements languished or had to be dropped. The uncertainty about whether the government could get its legislation through the Senate began to take its toll and prompt further scrutiny of the performance of the prime minister and treasurer Joe Hockey.
Following a 'near death experience' leadership challenge in the Liberal party in February 2015, Abbott decided to replace 'father of the house' Phillip Ruddock as Chief Whip, in a move described as a measure to improve communication between the prime minister and the back bench.

Photo: Kate Geraghty/Fairfax