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The Exhibition » Billy Hughes at War | Museum of Australian Democracy at Old Parliament House

Discover one of Australia’s most extraordinary characters in the Old Parliament House travelling exhibition Billy Hughes at War. Prime Minister William Morris (Billy) Hughes led the nation through most of the First World War. A complex and controversial figure, he was known as a man of extremes, inspiring admiration and provoking hatred in equal measure. “He loved to laugh and make others laugh with him.” —J. Hume Cook His attempts to introduce conscription caused huge rifts, in political parties and the nation. Hughes supported the British Empire but also stood up for Australian interests against other Allied leaders at the negotiations for the treaty of peace at Versailles in France. Hughes often disregarded social and political conventions, yet won support with his eloquence and wit. From humble Welsh origins, he was shrewd and wily, and became known, for his championing of the Australian troops, as ‘The Little Digger’.


Billy Hughes at War

