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John Curtin: Guide to Archives of Australia's Prime Ministers - John Curtin: Guide to Archives of Australia’s Prime Ministers

John Curtin: Guide to Archives of Australia's Prime Ministers David Black and Lesley Wallace Published by the National Archives of Australia and John Curtin Prime Ministerial Library John Curtin: Guide to Archives of Australia's Prime Ministers - front coverEnlarge image - View image gallery Prime Minister John Curtin led Australia during the darkest days of World War II, only to die in office six weeks before the final victory over Japan. This guide describes records on John and Elsie Curtin held by the National Archives and the John Curtin Prime Ministerial Library and other institutions.A National Archives of Australia and John Curtin Prime Ministerial Library joint publication.Award winner of 2004 Mander Jones Award – Best finding aid to an archival collection (ASA)Professor David Black is Adjunct Professor at the Division of Humanities, Curtin University of Technology, Historical Consultant to the John Curtin Prime Ministerial Library, and Parliamentary Fellow (History) at the Parliament of Western Australia.Leslie Wallace is Collections Librarian at the John Curtin Prime Ministerial Library. TOP OF PAGE


National Archives of Australia Prime ministers' records

